Wednesday, March 4, 2009


 Sometimes I still amaze myself at the sheer amount of time I spend doing nothing productive.  Before writing this blog I spent like 1.5 hours doing things like checking my email, reading blogs, watching videos, text messaging (calling people is so 2000), looking at future vacation spots, searching for hiking trails, oh and doing all this while "watching" The King of Queens on tv.  I did have big plans this morning of going to the gym after work, to start getting buff, which has been a goal of mine since 2006 or so, but who's counting?  Anyways, the gym didn't seem very enticing so I ended up at home.  Tomorrow it's all about the gym, for sure.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Procrastination tips for the weary

For all you out there who are motivated, driven, and relentlessly work to better yourselves this post is for you.  I am here to offer you relief, to free you.  Over the years I have been honing my skills, becoming a Jedi of procrastination.  If you follow some of my tips you too could waste hours of your life.  Now I know some of you out there are like, Christy I just don't think I could be good at procrastination. Well I'm here to show you the light, show you just how good procrastination can feel.  Follow my simple steps below and before you know it you will be riding the high of procrastination.   

                         Procrastination for your day off
  1. Tell yourself that whatever you needed to accomplish can wait at least 3 more hours.
  2. Open your web browser.
  3. Check your email, you're important I'm sure someone needs to tell you something.
  4. Start going through all of your favorite bookmarks/Rss feeds                     here are a couple of my favorites if you are in need.                              
  5. Follow links from one site to another interesting site, this is sure to take you to cool new sites and provide information you never knew you needed to know
  6. Watch movie trailers.  This allows for you to plan out what movies make your top must see list, thus arming you with idle conversation to have with people at work who insist on talking to you even though you have nothing in common with them and hate listening to just about everything they have to say.  
  7. Decide that you are going to need to make dinner later, look up recipes.
  8. Looking up recipes usually makes you hungry, go ahead and eat some lunch.
  9. During the silence while eating lunch you start humming that new song you love realizing that you've been meaning for days to go download it.  Download that song and get some more while you're at it
  10. Watch some online videos/short films/TV shows that you missed
  11. Nap
  12. Start your own blog